Thursday, June 4, 2009

My fav. names..hi3.

  • siti nur khadijah
  • nur sumayya
  • nur aisya'
  • mohd. yusoff
  • mohd. othman



Monday, June 1, 2009

Casper - One Last Wish

This video teach us how to play the beginning of Casper using piano/kibod

Another nice video clip to watch.

Enjoy it. Another gr8 video clip from J.Lo n hubby Marc Anthony title No Me Ames.

Jennifer Lopez
No me Ames (English Version "You Don't Love Me") Lyrics
Tell me why you're crying...
Of happiness.
And why are you drowning?
for loneliness
Tell me why you take my hands so strongly,
and let your thoughts carry you away

I love you so much
And why is that?
Crazy stubborn person, stop doubting it any longer
Even though in the future there will be a huge wall
I'm not afraid, I want to fall in love

Dont love me, because you think that
I may appear different
You dont think its right
For us to see time go by together?
Dont love me, I understand
the lie that it would be
If your love, I don't deserve, dont love me,
just stay another day

Dont love me, because I am lost,
Because I changed the world,Because its destiny
Because it can't be, We both are like a mirror,
[ Find more Lyrics on ]
And you would be my own reflection
Don't love me, you would be dying
Within a war full of regrets,dont love me to be on this
Earth, I would like to throw your enormous
love for the blue of the sky.


I dont know what to say to you, that's the truth
When people want to, they know how to hurt
You and I will depart, they would not move,
But in this sky dont leave me alone

Dont leave me, dont leave me, dont listen to me
If I say to you "dont love me"
Dont let me. Do not disable
my heart with that "Dont love me"
Dont love me, I'm begging you,
leave me with my bitterness
You know well, that I can't, that its useless,
That I will always love you

Dont love me,because I would make
you suffer with this heart of mine
that was filled with a thousand winters.
Dont love me,so that way you can forget of your gray days.
I want you to love me, just to love me
Dont love me, you and I will fly,
With with the other, and we will always be together
This love is like the sun that comes out after the storm
Like 2 comets on the same path

Nice instrumental song from Casper - One Last Wish

Sunday, May 31, 2009

how to cheer up yourself if you miss someone?

If you miss someone who is far from you , the most you can do is text or call them . Or, the least you can do , make yourself busy with other stuff , so that you won't miss em' too much . Especially if you miss your special ones.. hi3. Normally , I would take a glimpse back at our old pics n listen to our songs. It's easy ya know to detect my sensual mood. That actually happens if i haven't seen him in 2 days. Memang agak rindu . And now , school holidays just started..i guess i'll be missing him on and off for the next 3 weeks .

Once in a blue moon I did miss my form 6 friends. Miss lah those moments we were sharing together . We all do stuff together . Yeap, coz there are only 14 of us. 7 boys n girls . And now everybody has their own life . And I'm proud of them . They are just as succesful as me..hu3..nah.. They are smarter n better than me. All of them doing engineering and stuff to do with biology.. good for them coz tat was what we took in form 6..PURE SCIENCE. But I guess i dont have the heart for it. Really I am glad for em . 2 of em is now persuing their master . And ada yang dah kerja n still belajar. I hope we could gather someday .And as usual, I always yang kena buli..hahaha.. i miss tat lah.. Kadang2 rindu n feels like wanna hang out , but ada kemalasan yang melanda .he3...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Gurindam Jiwa

This is one of my favorite oldies song from my favorite movie title 'Gurindam Jiwa'. It was a sad movie though. About loyalty and love of a wife to her husband .

I love this song . It is very poetic . It's hard to interpret the meaning . To make it literal , meaning to meaning translation . But , I presumed this lyric about the love between the husband and wife , which they swear to love each other endlessly to the end of their life. They have made their vow which they are willing to endure everything together .

TODAY : sad story man...luv this movie

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Rahsia Perwatakan Wanita Melalui Bantal

Tahukah anda watak wanita dapat dikenali melalui cara mereka tidur menggunakan bantal ? Ini adalah kerana setiap wanita mempunyai cara dan posisi tidur yang berbeza-beza. Ada yang suka tidur tanpa bantal, ada yang suka memeluk bantal dan ada yang mempunyai tabiat meletakkan bantal di bawah kakinya. Inilah cara para pengkaji menilai sifat wanita berdasarkan cara memanfaatkan bantal:

Terdapat beberapa kategori dan perwatakan wanita:

1)Memeluk Bantal
Mereka yg suka memeluk bantal biasanya berjiwa seni. Mereka mempunyai penghargaan yg tinggi terhadap lukisan,muzik dan satera. Perasaan mereka halus dan jiwa mereka romantik.Kadangkala ada yg boleh membaca peristiwa yg akan berlaku melalui mimpi. Mereka juga sgt prihatin terhadap kesusilaan dan kesopanan hidup.Wanita kategori ini juga cenderung untuk memiliki badan yang kurus.

2)Menggunakan Banyak Bantal
Mereka biasanya kurang keyakinan diri .Dalam kehidupan seharian mereka memerlukan banyak pendamping atau teman-teman yg dapat membantu mereka. Mereka jarang membuat keputusan sendiri, sebaliknya mendapatkan pandangan orang lain. Mereka sukar berdikari dan suka bergantung kepada orang lain.

3)Tidur Dengan Satu Bantal
Mereka bukan jenis mengada-ngada dan boleh menerima keadaan seadanya. Mereka juga membuat keputusan berdasarkan fikiran dan bukan nafsu semata-mata.

4)Meletakkan Bantal Di Bawah Kaki
Mereka mempunyai sifat kurang baik.Mereka jarang bergaul dgn org ramai,malah kaku dalam pergaulan. Ini menyebabkkan mereka cenderung bersifat egois.Mereka juga gemar menempuh jalan pintas utk mencapai cita2. Mereka tidak suka berusaha.

5)Tidur tanpa Bantal
Mereka memiliki sifat percaya diri yang sangat tinggi. Kadangkala sifat percaya diri ini akhirnya akan membawa kepada sifat ego. Terlalu over-confidence juga menyebabkan mereka selalu memandang rendah pada orang lain.

Nota Kamar: Artikel ini hanyalah sebagai bacaan semata-mata untuk menambah pengetahuan dan bukan untuk dipercayai 100%

Bulan Berapa Anda Lahir??



bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius
suka mendidik dan dididik
sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik
rajin dan setiap yg dibuat nampak keuntungan
suka smart, kemas dan teratur
bersifat sensitif , berfikiran mendalam
pandai mengambil hati org lain
pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang
agak pemalu daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi
mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri
badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema
bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai mempamirkannya
cukup sayang pd kanak-kanak
suka duduk rumah
setia pada segala-galanya
perlu belajar kemahiran sosial
cukup cemburu yg sangat tinggi


berfikiran abstrak
sukakan benda yang realiti dan abstrak
inteligent, bijak dan genius
berpersonaliti yg mudah berubah
mudah menawan org lain
agak pendiam. Pemalu dan rendah diri
jujur dan setia pd segalanya
keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat
tidak suka dikongkong
mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong
suka kegiatan yg lasak
emosinya mudah terluka dan sgt sensitif
mudah mempamirkan marahnya
tidak suka benda yg remeh-temeh
suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkannya
sangat berani dan suka memberontak
bercita-cita tinggi dan suke berangan-angan dan ada harapan utk
merealisasikan impiannya
pemerhatian yg tajam
suka hiburan dan sukan
suka benda yg bersifat seni
sangat romantik pada dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran
berkecenderungan pd benda yg tahyul
amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros
belajar untuk mempamirkan emosi


berpesonaliti yg menarik dan menawan
mudah didampingi
sgt pemalu dan pemendam rasa
sgt baik secara semulajadi, jujur pemurah dan mudah simpati
sgt sensitif pd perkataan yg dituturkan dan alam persekitaran
suka pada kedamaian
sgt peka kepada orang lain
sesuai dgn kerjaya yg memberi khidmat kepada org lain
tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah
tahu balas budi dan tahu kenang budi
pemerhatian dan penilaian yg sangat tajam
kecenderungan utk berdendam jika tidak dikawal
suka berangan-angan
suka melancong
sgt manja dan suka diberi perhatian yg sangat tinggi
kelam kabut dalam memilih pasangan
suka dgn hiasan rumahtangga
punya bakat seni dalalm bidang muzik
kecenderungan kepada benda yang istimewa dan baik
jgn terlalu moody.


sgt aktif dan dinamik
cepat bertindak buat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal
sgt menarik dan pandai manjakan diri
punya daya mental yg sangat kuat
suka diberi perhatian
sgt diplomatik (pandai memujuk )berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah org
sgt berani dan tiada perasaan takut
suka adventure, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah
emosi cepat terusik
try control the emotion
kecenderungan bersifat dendam
agresif, kelam kabut utk membuat keputusan
kuat daya ingatan
gerak hati yg sangat kuat
pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan org lain
berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada
sgt cemburu dan terlalu cemburu


kekerasan hati & degil
kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi
pemikiran yg tajam
mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal
pandai menarik hati org lain & menarik perhatian
perasaan yg amat mendalam
cantik dr segi mental & fizikal
tidak perlu dimotivasikan
tetap pendirian tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh org lain
mudah dipujuk
bersikap sistematik (otak kiri)
suka berangan
kuat daya firasat memahami apa yg terlintas di hati org lain tanpa
bahagiantelinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit
daya khayalan yg tinggi
permikiran yg tajam
pandai berdebat
fizikal yg baik
kelemahan sistem pernafasan
suka sastera,seni & muzik serta melancong
tidak berapa suka duduk dirumah
tidak boleh duduk diam
tidak punya ramai anak
rajin dan bersemangat tinggi
agak boros


berfikiran jauh & berwawasan
mudah ditawan krn sikap baik
berperangai yg lemah lembut
mudah berubah sikap,perangaiidea @mood
idea yg terlalu banyak dikepala
bersikap sensitif
otaknya aktif (sentiasa berfikir)
sukar melakukan sesuatu dgn segera
bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh
bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yg terbaik
cepat marah &cepat sejuk
suka bercakap & berdebat
suka buat lawak & bergurau
otaknya cerdas berangan-angan
mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan
org yg sangat tertib
pandai mempamerkan sikap
mudah kecil hati
mudah kena selsema
suka berkemas
cepat rasa bosan
sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet
kurang mempamerkan perasaan
lambat nak sembuh apabila terluka hati
suka kepada barang yang berjenama
mudah menjadi eksekutif
kedegilan yg tidak terkawal
sesiapa yg memuji saya adalah musuh saya tetapi siapa menegur saya
adalah kawan saya.


Sangat seronok didamping
Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki
Agak pendiam kecuali diransang
Ada harga dan maruah diri
Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan
Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus
Sangat menjaga hati orang lain
Sangat peramah
Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya
Berjiwa sentimental
jarang berdendam
mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan
tidak suka benda remeh-temeh
membimbing cara fizikal dan mental
sgt peka, caring dan mengasihi serta penyayang
layanan yg serupa dgn semua orang
tinggi daya simpati
pemerhatian yg tajam
suka menilai org lain dgn pemerhatian
mudah dan rajin belajar
suka muhasabah diri
suka megenangkan peristiwa atau kawam lama
suka mendiamkan diri
suka duduk dirumah
suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan
tak agresif kecuali terpaksa
lemah dari segi kesihatan perut
mudah gemuk kawal tak kawal diet
minta disayangi
mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih
terlalu mengambil berat
rajin dalam membuat kerja


suka berlawak
mudah tertawan kepadanya
sopan santun dan caring terhadap org lain
berani dan tidak tahu takut
orgnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan
pandai pujuk org lain
terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego
nilai harga diri yg sangat tinggi
dahagakan pujian
semangat juang yg luar biasa
cepat marah & mudah mengamuk
mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan
sangat cemburu
daya pemerhatian yg tajam & teliti
cepat berfikir
fikiran yg berdikari
suka memimpin & dipimpin
sifat suka berangan
berbakat dlm seni lukis,hiburan & silat
sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk
cepat apabila ditimpa penyakit
belajar utk relax
sikap kelam kabut
romantik ,pengasih,penyayang
suka mencari kawan


sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur
sangat cermat,teliti & teratur
suka menegur kesilapan org lain & mengkritik
pendiam tapi panda bercakap
sikap sangat cool sangat baik & mudah simpati
sangat perihatin & terperinci,amanah,setia & jujur
kerja yg dilakukansangat sempurna
sangat sensitif ygtidak diketahui
org yg banyak berfikir
daya pentaakulan yg baik
otak bijak & mudah belajar
suka mencari maklumat
kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik
pandai mendorong diri sendiri
mudah memahami org lain(daya firasat yg tinggi) krn banyak simpan rahsia
suka sukan,hiburan & melancong
kurang menunjukan perasaannya
terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan
terlalu memilih pasangan
sukakan benda yg luas


suka sembang
suka org yg sayang padanya
suka ambil jln tengah
sangat menawan & sopan santun
kecantikan luar & dalam
tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura
mudah rasa simpati,baik pentingkan kawan
sentiasa berkawan
hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama
cepat marah
macam pentingkan diri sendiri
tidak menolong org kecuali diminta
suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri
tidak suka terima pandangan orglain
emosi yg mudah terusik
suka berangan & pandaibercakap
emosi yg kelam kabut
daya firasat yg sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan)
suka melancong,bidang sastera & seni
pengasih ,penyayang & lemah lembut
romantik dlm percintaan
mudah terusik hati & cemburu
ambil berat tentang org lain
suka kegiatan luar
org yg adil
boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran
mudah patah semangat


banyak idea dalam perkara
sukar utk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya
berfikiran kehadapan
berfikiran unik dan bijak
penuh dgn idea-idea baru yg luarbiasa
pemikiran yg tajam
daya firasat yg sgt halus dan tinggi
bagus utk jadi doktor
cermat dan teliti
personality dinamik
sifat yg berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia
banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra
berani, pemurah, setia dan byk kesabaran
terlalu degil dan keras hati
apabila hendak diusahakan sehingga berjaya
tak suka marah kecuali digugat
mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain
pandai muhasabah diri
cara berfikir lain dari org lain
otak yg sangat tajam
pandai mendorong diri sendiri
tidak hargai pujian
kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yg sgt tinggi dan apabila hendak sesuatu
cuba sampai berjaya
badan yg tough
kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam
tidak pasti dgn hubungan kasih sayang
suka duduk dirumah
sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi
amanah, jujur setia dan pandai berahsia
tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi
bercita-cita tinggi
perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah


Sangat setia dan pemurah
Bersifat patriotik
Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan
Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa
Bercita-cita tinggi
Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dlm organisasi
Seronok didampingi
Suka bercampur dgn org
Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan suka dibelai
Sangat jujur amanah dan bertolak ansur
Tidak pandai berpura-pura
Cepat marah
Perangai yg berubah-ubah
Tidak ego walaupun harga diri yang sangat tinggi
Benci pada kongkongan
Suka berlawak
Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran dgn logik

the advantages of being broke

It is almost end of the month
Your credit is running low
your food supply just a handful
your account is reaching it's limits
your shoes need to be repair
you just paid a sum of money to your mechanics
you need to stay back which mean more money
you need to buy your ticket
you have cravings..hahahaha

So, the advantages of being broke ... just stay calm and be broke and be patience for your next allowance..hu33..

So, i'm right outta of my comfort zone need to branching out.Things I took for granted has turn to extravagancies .

Friday, May 22, 2009

sembayang oh sembahyang......

'Solat itu Tiang Agama' . Before this, that sentense is just a statement for me . As I grew older ..hhmm or would I say 'mature' , it occurs to me that it is a meaningful statement . I could say it 100 times but still I didnt try to understand the meaning. So , its true , we read or listen with our ears n eyes , but not with our heart.

Solat itu Tiang Agama ... so dalam pemahaman aku, kalau sembahyang wajib yang merupakan tiang , identiti , dan lambang tue aku tak buat , maknanya aku nie..... Sbb benda nie yang asas dalam agama , yg membezakan antara orang Islam dengan mana-mana agama dalam dunia nie. Sembahyang langsung tak membebankan ,tp aku kadang-kadang tinggal jugak .Jd, kalau aku sendiri kadang-kadang tak sembahyang , aku tak layak ambil tanggungjawab ke atas org lain, malah bukan bab sembahyang sahaja , dalam semua hal pun sebab aku masih lagi insan yang hina , yang tak sempurna. Aku berharap Allah s.w.t dapat memahami hati aku . Aku hanya boleh berdoa supaya aku dan semua orang yang sayang dan kenal dibukakan pintu hati dan diberikan hidayah Mu.

Ada orang kata, sembahyang , tp perangai tak baik, bertudung tapi perangai tak macam org Islam .Malah menganggap org yg tak sembahyang lagi bagus perangai nye ..masyaAllah, adakah aku di dalam golongan tersebut?? Dosa pahala tu ditangan tuhan . Segala yg kita lakukan bergantung pada niat dan hati kita . Kalu kita yg menilai , mungkin kita akan salah . Jadi ubahlah diri sendiri jadi lebih baik .

Aku sentiasa doakan kita semua akan mendapat hidayah . aku tak pernah lupa nk diokan utk ibu bapa aku , saudara mara , guru n pensyarah , sahabat n kekasih . Yang aku pernah dengar , kalu kita tak doakan ibu bapa kita , doakan kita tak akan diterima .

TODAY: Aku selalu berdoa terangkan hati aku yang dah gelap nie.


SUBUH - dia akan disiksa selama 60 tahun di neraka (60,000 tahun dunia)

ZUHUR - dosanya seperti membunuh 1000 jiwa orang Islam

ASAR - dosanya seperti ia meruntuhkan Kaabah

MAGHRIB - dosanya seperti berzina dengan ibu atau bapanya sendiri

ISYA' - Allah tidak redha dia tinggal dibumi dan menggesa dia mencari bumi yang lain

Friday, May 15, 2009

what should us judge???

This is a common line we heard all the time -

But, at certain point , i truly believe first impression last you know .

1. The Way you carry yourself
2. Your Dress-up
3. The way you express yourself
4. Your Mannerism
5. Your Behavior
6. Your Communication
7. The way you treat the other person

At that point ,we can see the contradiction ..hmm . So, which is which? Would you judge me as rude forever if i lost my mannerism ? or would you hate me all my life for being critical ???

As i go further , I learn more abt judging other people , that personality is what we should judge instead of human facial layout all the time . Beauty is only skin deep.You might look physically perfect in ours eyes , but your personality would not say so ... therefore , think about it. Try to be perfect in and out .

TODAY : I want to be beautiful inside because it know thats the real shine.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

love u you dearly sayang ..

there's ups n downs in my relationship . sometimes i feel sad n sometimes i'm the happiest girl on earth . your love makes me floats . deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppp in side me.. i love you dearly even sometimes i might said , wrote , or did something to picture my hatred towards you . But by the end of the day .. i always tell my self that 'I Still Love You' . I guess i'm crazy over you or actually it's a true love ..

There's a moment i feel this kind of feeling and it's undiscribeable . I just sayang you so much . I mean it. But I hate you sometimes.. n i hate when the hates went away because i couldnt hate you anymore n its unfair . Because my hate went away .. you make it go away . I couldt stay long hating you . you just knew it to make me love you again .I HATE THAT .

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Aku lahir pada 10 hb...

Tarikh Lahir pada 3, 18 & 29
Sabar serta pandai menguasai diri adalah ciri yang khas bagi pasangan yang lahir pada tarikh ini. Tapi jangan cuba mempermain-mainkannya, dia akan mengamuk dengan hebat. Dia tergolong pasangan yang bijaksana dan bertanggungjawab. Sifat jujur & ramah adalah modal utamanya dalam bergaul. Tapi dalam soal cinta dia merupakan pasangan yang susah untuk dimengertikan.

Tarikh Lahir pada 10, 16 & 21
Suka bekerja keras, memiliki nafsu yang tinggi dalam usaha mencapai cita-citanya. Dalam pergaulan sehari-hari dia merupakan orang yang mudah tersinggung.Namun begitu dia seorang yang jujur & tabah dalam menghadapi persoalan. Soal cinta dia sangat setia dan sebab itulah dia mudah disenangi. Tapi dia seorang yang terlalu cemburu. Kalau baik dia sangat baik dan kalau jahat dia merupakan orang yang paling jahat.

Tarikh Lahir pada 1, 9 & 24
Pada umumnya pasangan ini bersifat pendiam & konservatif. Namun dengan orang-orang tertentu dia cepat mesra.Tapi pasangan yang lahir tarikh ini mudah terperasan. Kerana sifatnya itu menyebabkan ramai orang yang tidak menyukainya. Namun begitu dia tetap dikagumi kerana bersikap serius terutamanya yang berhubung dengan orang ramai. Dalam hal percintaan, dia sanggup berhabis semata-mata untuk memenuhi segala keinginan pasangannya. Tapi hati-hati kadangkala dia lebih mementingkan persahabatan daripada percintaan dan lebih rela memutuskan cintanya demi sebuah persahabatan yang telah terjalin lama.

Tarikh Lahir pada 2, 11 & 30
Orangnya perasa dan mudah tersinggung. Sifatnya yang suka menyendiri membuatkan dia lebih suka tinggal di rumah. Ramai orang suka bergaul denganya kerana perwatakannya yang lembut & ramah. Dia paling benci jika cintanya ditolak atau dikhianati oleh orang yang benar-benar dicintainya. Namun begitu dia selalu bersikap sabar dan tidak terburu-buru dalam bertindak. Sayangnya untuk urusan masa depan dia bersikap pesimis sering mengalah sebelum mencuba. Oleh itu mesti ada yang mendorongnya agar tidak terus terjebak dengan sikap pesimisnya.

Tarikh Lahir pada 4, & 13
Pasangan yang lahir pada tarikh ini adalah seorang yang pandai, suka bergaul dan mudah berubah pendapat. Dia seringkali tidak yakin dengan diri sendiri. Dalam soal cinta, dia tergolong pasangan yang mata keranjang dan suka bertukar-tukar partner. Sifat ini membuatkan orang tidak suka apa lagi untuk bersimpati dengannya. Dia sering bersifat dingin kepada orang lain kerana menganggap orang lain merupakan faktor penyebab timbulnya masalah. Tapi dia memiliki sifat kelakar, mudah ketawa dan kadangkala bersikap keanak-anakkan.

Tarikh Lahir pada 5 & 17
Yang lahir pada tarikh ini adalah seorang yang optimis, bercita-cita tinggi dan punya kecederungan untuk berprestasi. Namun begitu dia adalah seorang yang berwatak keras dan apa yang diinginkan selalunya dipenuhi.Memandangkan sesuatu selalunya dari segi yang menguntungkan.Tapi sayangnya dia suka menganggap remeh pada orang lain.Dalam soal cinta, berhati-hatilah kerana dia suka bertukar-tukar pasangan.

Tarikh Lahir pada 6, 14 & 27
Dia adalah seorang pasangan yang tidak mahu kalah dan pantang menyerah. Kejujuran dan keadilan merupakan sifat yang membuatkan dia disegani. Dalam soal cinta dia ingin memberi yang terbaik kepada orang yang dicintainya. Namun begitu harga dirinya terlalu tinggi sehingga dia tidak pernah mengerti mengapa seseorang itu menolak kebaikannya.

Tarikh Lahir pada 7, 28 & 31
Dia adalah seorang yang bersifat terbuka berterus terang & jujur.Namun dia mudah sekali terpengaruh dan ingin mencapai sesuatu itu dengan cara mudah. Cinta baginya sering diertikan sebagai pengisi masa lapang. Semasa bercinta dia sangat berhati-hati dan suka sekali merayu dan kalau pasangannya curang dia dengan mudah meninggalkannya.

Tarikh Lahir pada 8 & 23
Dia bersifat peramah dan mudah perasa. Kepada teman-teman dia bersifat lembut & bijaksana. Namun begitu dia tersisih dari teman- teman kerana rasa rendah diri yang terlalu menebal. Dia memerlukan suasana yang seimbang baik sewaktu berfikir mahupun dalam kehidupan seharian. Kelemahan yang paling menonjol ialah gugup dan selalu dihantui perasaan khuatir tetapi dia adalah seorang yang penjimat. Dalam urusan cinta, dia seorang yang tabah dan rela berkorban.

Tarikh Lahir pada 12 & 19
Orang yang lahir pada tarikh ini memiliki sifat suka dipuji. Dia berharap setiap orang akan menganggapnya sebagai juara. Pada dasarnya dia suka berdandan dan berpakaian rapi. Kerana itu dia sering membelanjakan wangnya untuk menunjukan penampilannya. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dia adalah pasangan yang disegani kerana bakat kepimpinannya. Sifatnya yang bijaksana membuatkan dia disegani dalam pergaulan. Dalam urusan cinta, dia adalah pasangan yang sangat susah untuk dipercayai.

Tarikh Lahir pada 15, 20 & 26
Jangan mengharapkan sifat romantis dari pasangan yang lahir pada tarikh ini.Dia tergolong dalam orang yang kurang serius, bersikap bodoh dalam menghadapi sesuatu. Namun begitu dia selalu bersikap penuh pengertian bila menghadapi sesuatu masalah. Dia sangat benci pada perkara-perkara yang berbau keributan terutama yang menimbulkan huru-hara. Dalam hal percintaan dia menuntut untuk lebih diberi perhatian tapi dia jarang mengambil berat pada pasangannya. Namun begitu sikapnya disenangi oleh kawan-kawan.

Tarikh Lahir pada 22 & 25
Wataknya paling susah untuk dimengertikan. Kadangkala dia disukai kerana kebaikannya dan kadangkala dia dibenci kerana perbuatannya. Namun buat teman-teman dia merupakan orang penuh pengertian. Dalam pelbagai situasi dia lebih suka merendahkan diri jarang sekali mahu menonjolkan kelebihannya pada orang lain. Pasangan jenis ini terkenal sebagai perayu dan sebab itulah dia diberi jolokan seniman asmara.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Purple is My Colour

Color Personality Purple
Purple is the color of spirituality.
Purple personalities are always striving to be better than they consider themselves to be, both on a spiritual, emotional and a mental plane.
Needing more knowledge, they become avid readers. Trying to become what they think they should be, they search their own lives and the lives of others to find the answers.
The study of all religions make them feel as if they are accomplishing something bigger than themselves in life. A good theological discussion is right up their alley. Wanting to help as many souls as they can, they are more than willing to give you the benefit of their education.
Trying to achieve perfection, they seem to struggle with themselves more than most because they tend to be so critical of themselves.
The muted shades of purple can be religious zealots who know what God wants for themselves as well as everyone else. In their way of thinking, they are the ones put here to enforce religion for God. These people can be just a little frightening when they start searching for their holy grail.
The deeper shades of purple show someone working hard to find inner peace and love not only of their fellow man and themselves but of a higher power who many consider God.
Purple personalities make good friends because they always give first of themselves. Generally they do not ask much for themselves but some negative purples could be self martyred. This comes from the fact that when they do finally ask for something from a friend, they may do so in such a way as the person they are asking did not understand.
When they do not receive the item which they requested, they turn silent and think of themselves as the only one who works in the relationship, thereby becoming the martyrs they think themselves to be.

Friday, April 17, 2009


My boyfriend of eight years proposed to me a few days ago and naturally, I said yes. We've been in a lengthy long distance relationship for about 7 years, with him living in France and me in the US. Last year, he moved to the US and I moved in with him. We will get married after I finish medical school.

The thing is, I feel I am not as special as his ex-girlfriends.

Once, I asked him what dealbreakers would make him break up with me. He said several things, all of which anyone could understand as potential issues leading to a break-up. Some of the things that he did mention, though, are what his ex-girlfriends have done to him. However, he never broke up with them. His girlfriends are the ones that broke up with him because they eventually fell out of love with him and ended up liking someone else. Knowing him, he wouldn't be the one to end things. So if his exes hadn't broken up with him, would we even be together right now?

Even though he says I am tons better than his ex-girlfriends and that he loves me more than I could know, I just don't think I am any more special than his previous girlfriends. For example, he tells me the same things that I know he's told his exes. He also tells me the things he used to tell his female best friend when they were close friends (and she said the same things back, by the way), such as "you look so cuuuuuuuuute and amazing and wonderful and beautiful my dear." I know he moved here to the US to be with me and his father (his dad lives in the US), but when his father moved to the US, he was with one of his exes and chose not to follow his father. So does the moving bit really make me that much more special than his previous girlfriends? Because if one of his exes had moved to the US, he would most likely follow suit.

When I was a teenager I had a dream that I would have a guy who would love me DEARLY. In this dream, if I were to leave my boyfriend, he would beg me not to go and tell me that I'm the only one he could ever think of being with (does this sound familiar...from books/TV/movies perhaps?). To me, THAT makes me feel special. The fact that he'd let go of his pride to tell me that I am the only one and beg me not to go - that is an example of what would make me feel special. But, I remember having a fight a year ago with my now-fiance where we had a bit of trouble and I told him it might be good if we broke up. He said "okay, but you do realize that we won't keep contact after that?" That was a big sucker punch to me. Am I not special enough that he could just cut all ties with me just like that? After ALL that we have been through together? After he's told me he loves me SO much and how we've talked about the names of our future kids, what kind of furniture will be in our apartment, what kind of food we'd make for dinner... It just really hurt me.

But don't get me wrong! He's not cold-hearted in the least. He's extremely warm, affectionate, loving, understanding, and beautiful in every way possible. It's just that if I am to marry someone, I want that person to make me feel that I can't be replaced, that I am special, more than any other girl he knows. I know just by marrying me, that it should be obvious that I am special enough, but like I implied before, he could have just have married one of his exes had they not broken up with him. Help, am I being too much of a drama queen? Or am I not wrong to feel this way?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

(-, -,)

Setiba di persimpangan
Langkah kita tak lagi sehaluan
Bermula di saat itu
Tidak senada irama dan lagu

Begitu hidup ini
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang berganti

Kau telah jauh, jauh dariku
Tiada ruang di hati buatmu
Namun harusku akui
Ada ketika di minda kau menjelma kembali

Sekali sekala ada
Ada rindu yang datang tiba-tiba
Tak mungkin kerana sayang
Cuma terganggu oleh perasaan

Begitu hidup ini
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang bergant

qUITE SAd ...BUT iTs OkAy

Hmmm... i feel like i juz woke up from a dream . It was a beautiful dream . But in reality's not . Rasa2 mcm dah sedar about few things . Baru je sedar the incommon.n actually its true n exist . mcm mana ye nk buat . sbb mmg br sdr nie ada incommon . ada benda yang tak ------------ . no -----------. n it keeps bothering me .

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I'm gonna smile like nothings wrong
Talk like everything perfect
act like it's juz a dream
and pretend like its nt hurting me ...

a shoulder to cry on

myself is my shoulder to cry on n a place i coax myself bcz i hv 'nobody' , i hv my mama, n frnds .. but......
y r ppl doing this to me after what i've done for them . i'm tired telling myslf .
y r ppl always hurts me .y......? it hurts so much . i'm so hurt ,i wish ..........

Friday, March 27, 2009


Beauty from outside and inside . People would go all the troubled and money just to look pretty from an outside . I believe most of us do .

Monday, March 23, 2009


Love is painful that is true not to love is painful too;
but there is a greater pain: to love and not be loved again

I did it!!

Yeap..yes .I did it. I.... DID.......IT.....! yeah hell I did it!!.. doubt.
It took me a lot of guds to tell em' . Relief....... I feel like in small box almost suffocated and now I will rise..hahaha ..

Nah,juz glad at last those words came out from my mouth .Actually I dunt mind doing everything by myself .

I should learn to share responsibilities . I can’t live in the outside world if I’m selfish/stupid .

TODAY – collective responsibility

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Dearest .....

At this point , I’ve understand certain things that happpens in our relationship . Many things have change throughout the years . No matter how , I still believe our love will remain ..we still love each other even we’ve change . But , I always expect more from you..always..all the time , and it’s not fair for you . I’ve started to understand now.. saying is much more easier than doing it . Is understanding is enough in a relationship.. ?? i’m confused .

TODAY – LOVE is not all about me n LOVE is not everything .



Am I hypocrite ? Are you a hypocrite person ? How would you consider a person to be hypocrite ? Let me answer all these questions before I go deep furher .

I believe I’m not such a hypocrite person because it is too mean for me to consider myself that way . As if I’m pretending not to have some values , belief , feelings or in other word ..insincerity . And yeap is so frustrating when you’ve been called a ‘HYPOCRITE’ , especially when your loved one who said that .

I feel so sad , so damm sad .....

But , sometimes I did pretent to be who I’m not .. I prested because of a few reasons .. I guess tats a white hypocrite..huhu..juzt like a ‘white lie’ .It’s good when there are people who stand out and tell you the truft .So..what kind of person I am if I couldt be critized ...

TODAY – think deep...deep.. n deeperrrrrrrr

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


nothing to do ..jz comin to my mind zappppp......


They were destiny to be together….

He’s goergous, she’s pretty

They have a great life , good job, big house and fancy cars

They life part from each other

But, they’ve meet before

25 years ago……….

In A TRAGIC incident

That’s all when it’s all started .

No matter where they were ,

Even no matter they already have a love life

They were destiny to be together

Good or worst

Life involves around them

Was that good or bad

Can they overcome the fate that made by man

Will they be together or…………………

Will they hurt their love ones.

Name : Marry Anne Joseph

Age : 20

Occpation : Housewife

Spouse : James Andrew

That man was drunk !! He killed my wife!!He killed her!! Ohhh nooooooooo….. my baby! My baby ..I want to see her!!! James Andrew was crying like mad. He wasn’t allowed to see his baby because of his condition .

I’m sorry Mr.Andrew..your wife is gone. She lost lots of blood, but we manage to save your baby . It was a baby girl . Be strong !! The doctor went away.

From far, there were 2 policemen coming towards James

Ohhhhhh Marry………MARRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name : Jesline Daniel

Age : 28

Father: Mr. George Michael

Spouse : Mr. Davic Schum

Siblings : Kerry Daniel,Marry Daniel

Plsss Marry ! Don’t be stupid. You will only breakr father’s heart . He has high blood pressure !! Don’t act stupid. We all love you !! We do.

Marry was crying while Kerry is persuading her.

Let her do what she wants !! From now on, you will no longer be part of this family .. Tears came out from Marry’s eyes . She then leave………….

Fine!!! Till the end of my life , I pray you will never come to my funeral!!

Nama : Annabelle James

Age : 4

Aunt JEsline, where are you going ? Please don’t leave me..

Don’t wory dear, grandpa will look after you from now on..

I love you……… Tears

You are lucky Andrew,you have such a lovely daughter . She has her mother’s look. Very fair and fine good looking young girl.

‘Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’ . How do you define that? Ann- Well , I will fall for that person no matter what to reveal the trust .

Dammmnnn.. Bullshit!! He’s innocent !! You are making up stories so that we’ll hate him .

Marry..marry please listen to me..

Look at me love

We have no choice



To be continue…. whooozzzzzzzzz

lOVE poEM..againnn

I stopped writing poems years ago . Well, I’m not a poetic person , but there were times when I just grab my pen and wrote what were in my mind . Just for fun.Sometimes the idea keep on flowing from my mind for no reason . But, that hardly happent. Just once in a blue moon .

I want to share my latest poems . I wrote that a month ago. Actually , my friend read the poem and she said it was OK. So, I guess maybe I can share it with you guys..

My dear love,

I didnt realize

When did you cast the spell of love

I only knew when

I keep on missing you the next day

I keep denying this feeling

But it keeps on growing and flowering

I cried for missing you,

I cried for lovin you,

Is there anything wrong??

Then why should I cry??

The answer is too complicated

How do we meet?

It was a twist of fate between you and me

And I thank god for that

Together we hold the oppurtunity

But together we were fighting

Figthing to let go the oppurtunity that

might cause us despair in future .

But this twist of fate that makes my life shines

and it will remain as precious as a treasure !

mY 1st eVer poEms

mY 1st ever poem went I was madly in Love . Too bad it was love at one side ..yeap.. plus it was a long distance relationship .

Let me figure this out…,

It wasn’t love at first sight…

You are the 110th person that night

You can be my b/f yes u might..

But i’m to shy damn it..

It’s so fate of twist..

Again and again it’s not right…

I made a choice bt it didnt turn out that night

I made a choice bt it didnt turn out right

I walked a long the street

Cracking up what to do ..alright..

Forgo and forget..

Bt shit..shit.shitt..

U come again and visit

Arrghh damn u *****

Driving iS dRIvINg mE cRAzY

yUp.. it's driving me cRaZy
yOu should see me facE today
i almost cried..sop3x
i was scolded by my driving instructer
i get so tense n scared everytime i'm on the road

bt i know he means well
he juzt wants me to learn
learn n learn n learn
he always told me
don't get bored to learn

n tq anyway
i learn something valueble
everytime I make a mistake

I hope I can pass my pre-test tomorrw.
wish me luck Ok..

TODAY - it's already late nite ..juz wanna have a good sleep .

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have a new scarf.

Hi there, I'm back again . It's raining out there and I'm all alone by myself . Seriously nothing to do and nothing need to be done . Today as usual , I wake up early 6.45 the morning to take my shower and cooked fried rice for luch . Went to class at 8.00 but

there's no class until 9.00 pm . In the meantime, Z bought me hmm.. I would say so a gift . It is beatiful with all the blend pastel colours of flowers motive. Hmm..TQ DEAR . Love you so much . He

bought it from our coursemate.She was selling the scarfs like hot cakes.

Later after class we went to mcd and have 2 choco top . It tasted so YUMMY ..huhu because the wheather was so hot this afternoon and it was perfect to have ice-cream at that time.

So, here I am , all alone..wondering what to do later. Still energetic because I took Chorophll to boost up my energy . Ok guys, I'll go figure out what to do after this .Catha later .

TODAY - Harmony inside me...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Beef Fried Rice

Alloo...tonight i'm preparing beef fried rice for my bf ;-) for tomorrow's luch . It's my routine to cook during night time so that we ( me and my bf) don't have to buy an outside food for tomorrow . Cooking our own meal is better than buying an outside food as we don't hygene level of the food. Plus it's much more healthier bla..bla..bla.. hahahah...(yeah right), compare outside foof that used a lot of msg .

This is one of his favourite food indeed . He loved it so much and he told me that the taste is complete..huhuhu i'm flattered . Yeap I do.. And for you guys outside there , compliment is one of the best thing to say your girlfriend. Trust me .. Everytime he told me that he loves my cooking . i'm so glad.. HAPPY GIRL.. ;-) . It is like an appreciation for me . I just don't know how to describe further .. I'll bet you guys know how I feel .

TODAY - Do my best tonight!!


Today i feel so lazy...hu3. It was raining all day and I just don't have the mood to do anything . But I do have works to be done such as my assignments and ISL task . Hmmm... I need something to boost me up . I guess I should do some checklist what should I do for this entire week..hahahaha..yeah right . Well, no harm doing it .

  • Ensembel
  • Pengukuran dan Penilaian
  • Social studies
  • Bahasa Muzik Lanjutan 2
  • Pendidikan Muzik Tahun 5 dan 6

  • Rph (social studies)
  • Conclusion for chapter 4
MQA is coming this month , I need to prepare and compile all the ISL task . It's so messy right now . It's not the work ,it's me getting messy . I need to start to all my work starting from tomorrow. I'Allah .

TODAY - Done what need to be done!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Me Love My Darling

Love is not blind at all . If you were meant to be with him/her , you know that it is the best for you . It shows that love is no blind . Then why should people say that 'Love is Blind' . Is it because love is blind when -

  • your partner is better than you
  • your partner is perfect than you
  • your partner doesnt match you physically or mentally
Well, here's the thing , no matter how it was , love is a feeling that Allah has given to each of us . The feeling that only appear to certain people such as our parents, family members , relatives , and other people . It is such a beatiful feeling . It is a gift is a bless . God has created each person with their partner . When the time has come for you to meet you soulmate , you will feel the beautiful feeling that you won't feel easily .Therefore , love and treasure your partner .

I have my special ones. My loved ones . Eventhough we have some differences in some aspects but we loved each other .

White and black... ups and downs... we all do understand what that does mean . It depends on our judgement and thought . Let me introduce myself as UPSIDEDOWN . Ordinary person.. hmm.. all people consider themself as ordinary . Am I that 'ORDINARY' . I guess i'm quite complicated at certain points .
  • I'm a sad person..yup
  • I'm the happiest person.. yeap
  • I'm incomplete.. hmmm...
  • I'm not perfect.. ya..ya..

I AM SIMPLE . More to myself .

TODAY : I wish I could be better .........

About Me

My photo
Hello there , welcome to my page . As a person who always keep things to myself, blogging is a way for me to release it all . Every content I wrote stays here for myself . I would take blogging is a healthy way and learning process for me in every aspecs .